biochemical hereditary marker 生化遗传标记
Hereditary marker 遗传标记
Marker marker-assisted selection 分子标记辅助选择
exterior marker method and internal marker method 外标法
Insertion and deletion marker InDel marker 插入缺失标记
Advances on Hereditary Breeding of Banana 香蕉遗传育种研究进展
Albright’s hereditary osteodystrophy 奥耳布赖特氏遗传性骨失养症
Autosomaldominant nonsyndromic hereditary hearing loss 常染色体显性非综合征遗传性聋
biological hereditary toxicty 生物遗传毒性
Character hereditary 性状遗传
closed hereditary irreducible space 闭遗传不可约空间
distal hereditary motor neuropathy 远端型遗传性运动神经病
generated hereditary class 生成的可传类
Hereditary 遗传的; 遗传力; 外生骨疣; 遗传性白化症; 弥漫性; 遗传性; 遗传; 遗传效应; 可遗传的; 承袭的; 世袭的; 遗传史; 世袭; 世系; 遗传性疾病; 遗传原因
hereditary albinism 遗传性黑尿病
hereditary algebra 遗传代数
Hereditary algorithm 遗传算法
hereditary alkaptonuria 遗传性类淀粉变性
hereditary amyloidosis 遗传性无脑畸形
Hereditary and selection 遗传选育